NUC8i7BEH refurnished

The well known noise and overheating issue of Nuc8i7beh has bothered many NUC users. My nuc has been working well but recently the noise became intolerable. Here is the brand new nuc I received in Dec 2019:

new nuc
new nuc
nuc inside

Disassembled parts:

nuc parts
dust inside nuc

I decided to refurnish it with the following approaches.

  1. Replaced with new copper tube and mental liquid to improve CPU cooling capacity.
  2. Lubricated the CPU fan.
  3. Optimized BIOS settings.

After refurnished:

refurnished nuc board
nuc bios

Now it is quiet as usual and the overall performance is even better than the new nuc!

Proxmox qm commands

qm guest cmd <vmid> <command>
qm guest exec-status <vmid> <pid>
qm guest passwd <vmid> <username> [OPTIONS]
qm guest exec <vmid> [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]
qm clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]
qm config <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm create <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]
qm destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm list  [OPTIONS]
qm listsnapshot <vmid>
qm migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]
qm move_disk <vmid> <disk> <storage> [OPTIONS]
qm pending <vmid>
qm reset <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]
qm resume <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm rollback <vmid> <snapname>
qm sendkey <vmid> <key> [OPTIONS]
qm set <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]
qm start <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm suspend <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm template <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm unlink <vmid> --idlist <string> [OPTIONS]
qm cleanup <vmid> <clean-shutdown> <guest-requested>
qm importdisk <vmid> <source> <storage> [OPTIONS]
qm importovf <vmid> <manifest> <storage> [OPTIONS]
qm monitor <vmid>
qm mtunnel 
qm nbdstop <vmid>
qm rescan  [OPTIONS]
qm showcmd <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm status <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm terminal <vmid> [OPTIONS]
qm unlock <vmid>
qm vncproxy <vmid>
qm wait <vmid> [OPTIONS]

How to remove cluster from proxmox?

Execute the following commands via proxmox shell or ssh terminal(recommened). In this way you don’t have to empty all VMs from a node before removing a cluster from it.

# sudo systemctl restart pve-cluster
# sudo systemctl stop pve-cluster
# sudo pmxcfs -l
[main] notice: forcing local mode (although corosync.conf exists)
# sudo rm -f /etc/pve/cluster.conf /etc/pve/corosync.conf
# sudo rm -f /var/lib/pve-cluster/corosync.authkey
# sudo systemctl stop pve-cluster
# sudo rm /var/lib/pve-cluster/.pmxcfs.lockfile
# sudo systemctl restart pve-cluster
# sudo systemctl restart pvedaemon
# sudo systemctl restart pveproxy
# sudo systemctl restart pvestatd